Questionnaire settings
1. Navigate to the Settings section of the questionnaire, where you will have the option to set up Email Notifications, Analytics, Embed Settings and Location Settings.

2. You can set up email notifications so that each time a lead is submitted through the questionnaire, you will receive an email with the relevant information. This will allow you to keep track of your leads and prioritise them immediately. You can also set up email notifications so that the lead will receive an email once they have completed the questionnaire. This will only happen if the lead has filled in their email address, otherwise no email will be sent to leads.

3. To create an email notification, click the +Add button at the top right corner of the section. Once you click the button, you will be directed to an email notification template, where you can configure the email.

4. By default, the templates will be named 'Email Template n' where the number is incremented by 1 each time a new template is added. You can change this by clicking the edit icon next to the Email template name field and click on the tick icon to confirm the new template name.

5. Next, click the Email Type dropdown field, where you can choose between a Self-Notification or Respondent email type.

Self-Notification emails are emails that will be sent to you while Respondent emails are sent to the leads once they complete the questionnaire. Depending on which type you choose, the template style will change slightly so that you can configure the correct template.
6. The Lead generation form field is useful when you have multiple lead generation forms in your flow. If there is only one lead generation form, then by default the email notifications will be set for this form and the form will be shown in the dropdown field. If there are more than one lead generation forms in the questionnaire flow, then you need to select which form the email notification is to be set for.

7. Next, you have the option to configure the email notification so that it is only sent if certain conditions are met on the lead generation form. The configuration set here is only affected by the lead generation form and will not be affected by the rest of the questions. To configure the logic, click the Configure button.

8. Click the Add Condition button in the popup window.

9. The first dropdown selection field shows the fields that you have in the form.

10. The second dropdown selection field is a list of six operators that you can choose from to set up the logic for the notifications.

11. The last field is the text box where you can enter the custom text for the operator. For example, Email Contains Data or Address Contains Dublin.

12. You can also add in more than one condition for the configuration, similar to the custom outcome configuration. If more than one condition is added in, you do have the option of choosing whether both conditions need to be met or if only one condition needs to be true for the notification to send.

By default, both conditions need to be correct, but if you only want one of the conditions to be met, change the And dropdown to Or. If changed to the Or operator, this means that only one of the conditions need to be met for the notification to be sent.
13. Next, you will be able to enter in your email address or another email address where you want the notification to be sent, in the 'Send email notification to' field.

14. Make sure to enter in your email address and press Enter on your keyboard. Once you click Enter, the email address will become enclosed in a purple capsule with an X icon at the end. You can remove the email by clicking on the X icon.

Multiple emails can be entered in this field but it is important to make sure that all emails are seperated and within the purple capsules.
15. For Respondent type emails, you will not be able to configure the Send email notification to field as that is automatically pulled in from the lead's answers. However, underneath this field, an additional Reply to field is included in Respondent emails. You can enter in your email or another email address into this field. As only one email can be entered here, it will not appear inside the purple capsule.

16. Underneath this, you will see the Subject and Message fields, where you will see the default content. You can change and customise the subject and message by clicking into the fields and editing them. Within the default subject and message, you will see certain words that are contained within purple rectangle capsules. These are variables that correspond to the lead generation form and your client portal.

For example, the 'Questionnaire Name' variable in the subject field refers to the name that you gave to the questionnaire and will show the questionnaires name in the email subject to leads.
17. To remove any of the variables, you can click the X icon at the end of the capsule

18. To add a new variable, click the Add Variable button next to the Subject or Message field. Once you click the button, a popup list will appear, where you will see all the fields that are available to choose as a variable.

19. All the fields that have been added to the lead generation form will be shown here. Other fields include the following - Default Reply To (reply to email), Questionnaire Name (the name of questionnaire), All Answer (the question and answers that were answered by the client), Pipelyne Admin Portal (link to your admin portal), Account Name (name that is on your account) and Outcome( link to the outcome that was shown to the client).

20. To set up Google, Facebook or Lucky Orange tracking, navigate to the Analytics section of the settings. Here you will see three separate fields for different types of analytics tracking.

21. The first field Google Tag Manager is for your Google Tag Manager ID, which can be used for Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics tracking for leads and conversions.

22. The Facebook Pixel field is where you can enter your Pixel Name to track conversions and leads from Facebook Ads

23. The Lucky Orange Site ID field is to enter in your site ID on lucky orange. This will again help you track the leads and conversion through Lucky Orange.

23. To customise the iframe embed code, navigate to the Embed Settings section. Here you will be able to customise two options for the embedded questionnaire using the toggles buttons.

23. The first toggle button, if turned on will Hide the Progress Bar from the top of the questionnaire. Leads will not be able to see how much of the questionnaire they have left to complete if this toggle button is turned on.

24. Next you will see the Hide Header toggle bar, which if turned on will hide the header section from the top of the embedded questionnaire. This will make the questionnaire shorter on your website.

25. Navigate to the Locations section, this section allows clients to assign areas from where leads can be accepted from.

26. Locations that have already been created are shown in a list view in this section with a toggle button to assign the location and a vertical ellipse with a view icon as well. A specific location can be assigned to a questionnaire by turning the toggle next to it to 'on'. This allows only customers whose address is within that location area to submit their details. If no locations are set, leads from worldwide are accepted.