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1.  Click the Leads button

Lead record

When leads complete a questionnaire, they are created as Leads within your portal. You can view all the information about the lead from within the portal and keep track of questionnaire submissions and leads.

1.  To view your leads, navigate to the Leads section of the portal. All leads will be shown here in a list view, along with various information about the lead.    

click leads button.png

2.  Open an individual record by either clicking the record in the list view or by clicking the vertical ellipses under the Actions of the lead and choosing the View Lead option.  

leads vertical ellipse.png
leads vvertical ellipse dropdown view.png

3.  Once you click into the individual record, you will see that the Customer Lead record is divided into four sections. 

customer lead.png

4.  The first section on the top left corner shows the Date and Time that the lead was created. This is the date and time at which the lead completed the questionnaire flow and was created in your portal as a lead record.  

lead creation details.png

5.  Next, in the Lead Details section, you will be able to see all the information about the lead. An ID is automatically generated for each lead when they have completed the questionnaire flow and helps identify the lead by associating them to the unique ID. The ID is also incremented by 1, so that it is easier to keep track of the leads. Underneath the ID field, all fields that you have included in the lead generation form are shown, along with the input that the lead provided for the field. The input or answer will only be shown next to the lead generation form field, if the lead has entered any text into the corresponding filed. If you have added any Contact Info questions into your questionnaire flow, they will also be shown in this section, along with the leads answers for them.  

lead details.png

If you have ad campaigns set up for the questionnaire, you will also be able to see which leads passed through the campaign link in the Lead Details section. The UTM tags related to the campaign will be saved so that you can track how successful your ad campaign is.  

6.  The next section in the lead record is the Outcome or Products section. In this section, the outcome that was shown to the lead will be shown so that you can see which outcome was shown to the specific lead. For product outcomes, the products that the lead saw in their outcome will be shown with a View product button for each product in the outcome. If clicked, the button will take you to the individual product record. For thank you outcomes, the thank you page that was shown to leads will be shown in the section. If the lead was redirected to another URL through the URL redirect outcome, the section will be left blank.  

lead product details.png

7.  The final section of the lead record is the Questionnaire section. Here you will be able to see the name of the questionnaire next to the Questionnaire field. This is helpful to distinguish which leads relate to which questionnaires if you have more than one questionnaire. Underneath this, all the questions that are asked in the questionnaire flow will be shown along with the answer that the lead chose. If the question was a multiple-choice question, the answers that were chosen by the lead will be shown as a bullet point list.   

lead questionnaire details.png

8.  To delete lead records, you will need to navigate to the main leads list view. To do so, either click on the Back button on the top navigation of the lead record you are currently on or click on the Leads icon and heading on the side navigation bar.  

back to leads list.png

9.  To delete one specific lead record, click the vertical ellipses under the Actions of the lead record. You will see a list of two actions that you can do on the record. Select the Delete Lead option. A popup warning message will be shown to you to confirm the lead deletion. If you click Yes, delete the lead will be deleted. If Cancel is chosen, the lead will not be deleted and will remain in the list view.  

leads vvertical ellipse dropdown delete.png

10.  To delete multiple leads, select them by clicking on the checkbox next to the id of the lead or select all the leads in the view by checking the checkbox on the list view header next to the ID heading. You can then click the Delete button to delete all the selected leads. Again, you will be asked for confirmation and based on the answer you select, the corresponding action will occur. 

delete multiple leads.png
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